Del Mar Heights
Living in Del Mar Heights
Del Mar Heights is an upscale neighborhood located only one mile southwest from downtown Del Mar. This northern San Diego neighborhood is known for its slow-paced atmosphere. It’s bordered by Solana Beach to the north and Carmel Valley to east, with the lovely Torrey Pines State Park just below. Del Mar Heights truly exemplifies convenience and Southern California beauty all within a beachside community. Oh, and it’s also known for its rolling hills, so you really are getting the best of both worlds here; close to the beach and experience California beauty.
Del Mar Heights isn’t a very walk friendly city, with a walk score of 32, so we recommend residents here have a car. Overall though, Del Mar Heights is an excellent neighborhood in San Diego to live, especially for those who are looking to enjoy a quiet neighborhood with great access to local amenities.
Things to do in the Del Mar Heights area
The neighborhood of Del Mar Heights is close to the coast and to Interstate 5, which makes for easy access to many popular things to do in the area. From oceanside activities, such as surfing or lounging on the sand, to hiking one of the area’s many trails.
Check out Crest Canyon Park and Torrey Pines for great hiking and nature walks. Or head to downtown Del Mar to enjoy a delicious meal and craft cocktails.
Homes for sale in Del Mar Heights, CA have a median listing price of $1.6 million.
Del Mar Heights Livability
Restaurants in Del Mar Heights
Top Restaurants in Del Mar Heights
Davanti Enoteca
Mendocino Farms
Things to do in Del Mar Heights
Hike Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve
Check out the Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Explore downtown Del Mar
Traverse the Ho Chi Minh Trail to Black’s Beach
Information on Del Mar Heights
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Neighborhoods of San Diego
San Diego city & county has serveral different neighborhoods, all of which carry a unique quality that makes them highly covetted. Yet, the common theme across all of these neighborhoods is beautiful blend of vibrancy and laid-back attitude. This San Diego Neighborhood Guide page will be home for what we’re calling an in-depth encylopedia of all of the areas you need to know about – especially if you’re looking to move here.
Get to know the areas of San Diego by clicking on one of the boxes below
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